Album art
Album art

New song! (Please note that it sounds much crisper in the new player.)

Okay, so I originally made this song in a different program, and it was written as a piano solo. I decided to remake a Notessimo version and… I think it’s better than the solo by a long shot. Most of the ending is different and the trumpet melody isn’t included at all. The solo’s really bland, actually.

I developed a story behind this, and I may write it down, post it to dA or Wattpad, and post a link here eventually (not likely though).

So, I hope some people find this entertaining. :slight_smile: Enjoy!


  1. Oh wow, thank you SO SO MUCH for the FEATURE! :smiley:
  2. I changed the ending to be more of a climax, what do you guys think?[/b]