Album art
ZUN; Rearranged by xXLink41Xx/Blargzargo Hlaaluington
11 years ago
Album art

Sorry for my incredibly long silence (a few days is really long for me). This is something that I hope I finish before February, since I have to work on the Notessimo Community Collab. Add Sheet 3 for a seriously unfinished part that needs work. Working on this song has made me realize how unreliable MIDIs can be. No seriously, I’ve been redoing this song ever since Circus Galop (a.k.a. 2010). I made sure to listen really closely to the song and change the MIDI to sound more like it so it will sound good as a .note file. This song is like my 4th favorite Touhou song. My top 10 favorite Touhou songs are in this order:

  1. Necrofantasia
  2. Deaf to All but the Song ~ Flower Mix
  3. Strawberry Crisis!!
  4. Shanghai Alice of Meiji 17
  5. Iza, Taoreyuku Sono Toki Made
  6. Doll Story ~ Doll of Misery
  7. Native Faith
  8. Heian Alien
  9. U.N. Owen Was Her?
  10. Satori Maiden ~ 3rd Eye

Lol I lost 7% battery power while typing this description.

After I finish this, I will most likely finish Deaf to All but the Song next and then Strawberry Crisis!!. The only song that I will not ever work on is Necrofantasia because 4in1 already nailed it. After I finish all the songs on that list, then I will do Death Waltz, Circus Galop, Burn (Deep Purple), and a Glockenspiel remix of Lilium. But I also have to fit my talent show practice somewhere in there so it’ll be a tight schedule. I will be playing piano because everyone at my school think I only have two talents (Epic skills at math and amazing memory).

3% more battery power bites the dust. You deserve a medal if you read the whole thing. In fact, I will actually give you a medal if you read the entire description. Just state in the comments that you read the whole thing.

11% battery power was harmed in the making of this description.

Size: 276.10 KB
Key: C
Time: 4 / 4