Album art
Album art

Well, new story now.

A 2nd reprise to my 4/26/2012 Story when i had long hair.

Sheet 0 = Happy 18th Birthday to me (i’m turning 21 in 2015)
Sheet 1 = Playing Love Me Tender on my Roland KR-4700.
Sheet 2 = Oudenaarde, Here we GO!!!
Sheets 3-4 = Walking to Oudenaarde Station.
Sheet 5 = Train.
Sheet 6 = In the Train.
Sheet 7 = Betweenout in Bruxelles Station.
Sheets 8-9 = Waiting to next Train.
Sheet 10 = Now : Mechelen Time.
Sheet 11 = Departing Bruxelles To Mechelen.
Sheet 12 = Arriving : Mechelen Station !
Sheet 13 = Walking to the Bus.
Sheet 14 = TECHNOPOLIS!!!
Sheet 15 = Waiting while Grouping.
Sheet 16 = Pilot Time.
Sheet 17 = Bed of Nails!
Sheet 18 = Color Television.
Sheet 19 = Planets,Tractor & Kilograms.
Sheet 20 = Keyless piano.
Sheet 21 = Fire Department Pole!
Sheet 22 = Quiz.
Sheet 23 = Cinema Drama.
Sheet 24 = Cable bike.
Sheet 25 = Go Kart.
Sheet 26 = Wind Drum.
Sheet 27 = Searching Looking for my best Friend.
Sheet 28 = Listening to the Volt.
Sheet 29 = Van De Graaf Generator. (my long hair got static & wild on this, i was like: “my hair is Dancing” )
Sheet 30 = Blewing off Steam.
Sheet 31 = Gigabyte. (a restaurant in TECHNOPOLIS)
Sheets 32-33 = Baby Feeder. (notice the fart on Sheet 33)
Sheets 34-35 = Cars.
Sheet 36 = Back home :cry:

A Typical Timothy Verbist song By XxlinkxX
Love me Tender by Elvis Presley
Aliens’ Collab with SuperPickle2
Levels on Timpavibes by Myself
Some of Trevz’ songs
Final Fantasy’s HURRY!
Aliens’ Chinatown song.
One of Nusellines Eastereggs of Utopia
House of The Rising Sun by The Animals
Like a Virgin by Madonna

I hope you like it and yes i’m trying to cover some songs in this post on the right way.

Tell me what you think & enjoy!

Size: 0.56 MB
Key: C
Time: 4 / 4
ID: jzRd0piDDR