Album art
9 years ago
Album art

I have most of this down, and I feel pretty good about it. Any suggestions for the metal guitar coming in at sheets 5 and 6? As of right now, the transition into 5 and out of 6 sounds really shoddy. I do plan on finishing this. It’s a real pain thinking of something original. I’m pretty sure this drum beat has been thought of before, too. Thank you guys for helping.

I have moved the metal guitars down upon request (That and it does sound better that way), and lowered their (<–Totally NOT “THERE”, John!) volume down from 40% to 20%. I was only able to shave off one sheet, or 8 seconds, meaning you’re still stuck with a repetitive 1:45. Thank you guys for the feedback. I think it sounds good as it is already to be finished, so I’m going to remove the unfinished tag. If you guys still see any more room for improvement, please comment telling me what. Thank you guys so much!

UPDATE (Again):
Hi-hats. Nothing else to say,

Size: 85.43 KB
Key: C
Time: 4 / 4
ID: PkMepnW5hW