STICKY: Before Asking For Help, Please Review This Thread

Oh my, aren’t you nice for dropping by the Help Thread’s sticky thread? If you can’t find an answer to your problem here, please check the existing threads for anything that sounds similar to your problem before creating a new thread.

If your question concerns something related directly to the forums; posting, creating polls, usergroups etc… please read through the FAQ .

If your question concerns the BBCode this board uses (for posting images, URLs, or modifying text), please read through the BBCode guide.

If your question concerns converting Notessimo 2 songs into a different audio format, this feature is currently unavailable due to maintenance on the site (as of May 11, 2009) but we hope to have .wav and .mp3 conversion up-and-running again soon.

If you need help posting your song on the forum, please read through this thread

If you experience an unintended blank measure in between sheets or at the end of your song, please read through this thread.

If you are looking for a tutorial, please read through this thread.

If your question concerns transpositions or tuning, please read through this thread.

If you would like to learn how to upload your song to YouTube, please read through this thread

If you would like to make a suggestion for improvement of the forums or the game OR you would like to report a bug, please read through this section.

Why hasn’t anyone replied to this thread?
I think Hypo went to an awful lot of trouble writing this. He deserves some sort of medal.
( )

your medal is a fail btw…

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Nice directory thread…i guess you could call it that lol

Needs to be updated though.

Ya it does

Maybe it could include the bugs as well or even a directory to every help topic…

All threads I went to have errors. They won’t answer my questions :(

What questions?

this thread that I just replied to.

I can’t figure out how people change their title.
Are there any threads for that?

You have to sacrifice three lambs and a newt.

Or ask a moderator.

On a Mac…
Command = Sharp
Shift = Flat.
I don’t know if there is anyplace that discusses the controls for Notessimo. :P

It’s Ctrl for sharp in Windows.
Also space to preview notes.

Hey, the link to the thread that helps with uploading isn’t working. Is there a reason for that, or is my computer just being a derp right now?

A few of the important links are missing man

The links are still errors. O-o It’s been 5 years so I assume nobody’s going to update it ever.

That is due to a switch in the format notessimo used for links. I can’t really tell you why that happened (because I don’t know), but it probably happened when the site was down and undergoing MAJOR CHANGES (approximately 6 November 2011 - 22 January 2012).

This needs a serious Update D;