I cant see the comments says theres 8 on my song but cant see any

I know the comments are there (I wrote 3 of them) and read another 4. then i got back on and it says “8 comments” and i was like sweet wana see if people liked my song Px… but then I could not see any of them :cry:

know whats up?

I assume this is the song you’re talking about: http://www.notessimo.net/page/browse/songs.html/_/miscellaneaous/unfinished/hope-underkhaos-dosent-mind-collab-hopefully-r67382

So the problem is, when you click on that link, you can’t see any comments below the song?

This usualy happens when you get to a song from a outer link. If you just search for the song by normal means you will see the comments again.


it was the problem but now I can see them

hmmm weird