Ranks and titles and such

Can someone clear it up for me? It says I’m a maestro… not gonna complain; just wanna know what the different ranks on here are.

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Member: A regular user.
Validating: A user whose email address has not been verified. Cannot post on the forums or upload songs.
Banned: Riff-raff.
Maestro: A user who has access to Notessimo V3. Can also set background images on his or her profile.
Moderator: A warden. Sometimes, a janitor.
Administrator: A Québécois overlord.

There are also some groups that are never used.

BOTS: Self-evident.
Tester: Starburst decided that “maestro” was a snappier title.
Supporter: Not sure. Starburst was probably thinking of a group for people who contribute money to the site.


Pecking order:

Starburst and his Admins: The Most Holy and Noble Gods of Notessimo
The Moderators: The Authoritarian Angels, Enforcing the Anointed Commandments of the Forum
Maestros: Blue is Cool. Don’t screw up kid.
Member: Help me I’ve fallen and can’t get up
Banned: Notessimo Hell.

All hail V3!!
May Starburst release many updates
And early beta access to all who are pretty cool

BOTS: those trying to take over through beeps. Instead they usually provide a few laughs before being deleted from existance.

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Moderators: the most wise and noble people in our land
Everyone else: common peasants

That’s all you need to know :slight_smile:

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Moderators kind of suck


Lmao, thanks guys.