I'm Sorry (again)

Those of you who don’t know, I was FBBH.
I was NOT A TROLL. I just had mental health problems and depression.
To make it up to you I am abandoning this account.
-Daniel (a.k.a FBBH)

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Wait, who were you?


I don’t know whether I should believe you or not, but you should apologize for your actions instead of self-loathing and saying everything you did was because of your illnesses. I’ve met lots of people with illnesses who have abused it by telling everyone that their faulty and hurtful actions were caused because of it. Honestly, you sounded like a normal preteen boy who just discovered the internet. Nothing wrong with that.

That being said, I hope you deal well with whatever you have. What happened in the past is past and don’t hold it against yourself. You are a new you every day.


Uhh, that was a really long time ago. Trust me, most people don’t even know who you are.

P.S. You don’t know pi nor e. You said it was equal to 3.1415926879273402376928523672057294672038 but it is actually 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820 and so on. e is approximately 2.72, not 2.87. Nice try.

if we want to get scientific here…the brain could handle well more than just these numbers. The brain is well beyond computers.

all this talk and i can only remember 7 digits out of it

then again there are those that can remember hundreds of digits or more so i might just not be the best at pi