Album art
Album art

So, I’ve noticed that both of this song’s covers on Notessimo have not been quite as accurate to the actual song itself (except for a copy-pasta of the original audio that was published a little while after Velociraptori’s version). So I did some research. Apparently, most of the covers on YouTube that were not recorded in a sound stage were the same in one way or another to the ones here, even if they were 8-Bit, 16-Bit, or with a Super Mario 64 soundfont.

Fortunately, I was able to find one almost completely accurate iteration on Songsterr, so I have based my cover on that with some edits to make sure that this song is as faithful to the original as it ever was.

Here’s a list of things that I have done:

  • Included all of the correct guitars, drums, vocals, and bass
  • Replaced the Saw Wave on Cold Winter Morning and the Steel Guitar in Synth Death with the Square Wave
  • Added the Guitar Scream in Red Dawn
  • Shortened the length of You Rock! from 10 measures to 8, etc.

Well, I’ve got nothing more to say, so, I guess I’ll see you next time. Ciao!

NOTE: The Distortion Guitar #1 symbolizes Herman Li and the Overdrive Guitar symbolizes Sam Totman.

EDIT (9/6/2020): FINALLY, A DESCRIPTION! ahem Made everything much more quieter, edited the drums a tiny bit, and replaced the Distortion Guitar #2 with the Overdrive and Distortion #1. The rhythm now changes depending on who’s playing.