Album art
10 years ago
Album art

Hellstick inspired me again with that Clavinet melody, i experimented with Accordions,Strings & Clavinets in this experiment.

Do not concider this as SPAM.

Use the old player, Strings #3 sounds flat on new player.

This is the Bontempi ACW 17 toy accordion, mint in the box:.
I hope Notessimo V3 has an unlimited range of pitches so i could use accordion #1 for high pitched stuff to sould like a toy accordion, but i guess i would rather go for an entry level accordion like the Accordiana or the Accordiola Camerano if you want to learn to play accordion, maybe more than 5 yo, but better than some toy Bontempis, though i think the Bontempi accordions are pretty cute. (like carrot said about the AC 2480.) (Click the spoiler to see it.

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Size: 68.24 KB
Key: C
Time: 4 / 4