Album art
Album art

The choices decision results in collision of good outcome or bad.
Every note is like a oath, a reminder of malicious demise.
The standing place of no man’s land is like a school of bullies.
The sorrow comes the sorrow goes but never stops, forever.
A scarred face from emotional pain reminds your life’s the same.
Forever alone in this forsaken abase of your very own lonely cries.
This place is a curse of utter demise, a demise of a person’s inside.
Outside he may roam with effortless gaze but inside he’s dead as can phased.
A heart of concrete, a yearn of defeat, a solicitude of self pain.
You become paralyzed with fear of the lies, that maybe they’d begin to arise.

Size: 39.71 KB
Key: C
Time: 4 / 4
ID: 6TEAXvVx59