Album art
Album art

All credit to Dream Theater, the greatest band in the world!
Almost 4 months of work is almost done… I just said rough draft because I know I will end up editing a few things. I am open to any criticism.
Anyways… Enjoy!


  1. Sheet 22 is an INSANE synth solo that literally only Jordan Rudess himself could replicate or play. I am not Jordan, so I could not replicate it. I tried, realized I screwed up a few hours into just that solo, and gave up.
  2. If you remove the guitar (clear layer 1) in sheet 19, the bass and vocals sound really cool together.
  3. I know the 2nd part of the synth solo sounds weird because of all the pitch bend and vibrato. If there is one thing I’ve learned in all of this it’s


Size: 503.05 KB
Key: C
Time: 4 / 4
ID: rFSG9arBz8