Album art
Screen Gems rearranged by Timothy Verbist
9 years ago
Album art

Desc from Wikia:
Screen Gems is a 1965-1974 logo that shows two red lines converging over a red dot with the text “SCREEN GEMS” zooming in. In 1973, “A DIVISION OF COLUMBIA PICTURES INDUSTRIES, INC” was added to the bottom of “SCREEN GEMS”. It was composed by Eric Siday. In 1999, Screen Gems made the S from Heaven, which is used on Screen Gems movies. Since 2014, before the logo, the Sony logo is shown, like Columbia and Tristar.

Scare Factor/Hall of Fame
High to nightmare for the 1965-1974 logo. This logo has scared many since its debut in 1965.
The short one is Medium to High. It may be a bit tamer but still quite creepy.
None for the S from Heaven variant from 1999-2014. It is so incredible. If not Relaxing and is MUCH tamer than the S from hell.
None for the current Screen Gems logo. But the Sony logo will suprise people who aren’t expecting it. But it is still MUCH tamer than the S From Hell.\tWATCH IT IF YOU DARE! AND LISTEN TO MY COVER IF YOU DARE & IF YOU DARE, LISTEN TO MY Viacom V of Doom Tune if you dare.


Size: 0.60 MB
Key: C
Time: 4 / 4
ID: OLS03ogXHb