Album art
Album art

I might need to split this whole piece into parts soon, and it’s NOT gonna be fun!

-The piano part may seem like it gets randomly softer and louder, just don’t worry about playing it like that, it doesn’t matter
-yes, it sounds funky at 1:59, those three really weird chords are triplets, so they’ll all fit into one quarter note.
-When it seems like every note is held out for a long time, it’s me trying to mimic pedal use, so use the pedal during those parts however you think is right.
-No, there aren’t any wrong notes, even if you think there are.
-during the verse, while the left hand is playing A, play F# instead of F on the right hand, it’s an accidental.
-during the very start of the bridge, the piano part is playing FM,GM, CM (with the B thrown in to make it CM7), FM7, GM7. so there will be accidentals.
-Holy crap there are a lot of things to say!
-Final thing: when the chord is a little off-set, playing each note barely apart, don’t play it EXACTLY how it is here, just try to roll over the chord bottom to top, making it more pretty and less harsh.
-Sorry for all this junk!
ALSO, you don’t gotta play ALL this crap. Just tell me if you want to change something!

Size: 396.55 KB
Key: C
Time: 4 / 4
ID: AWwafqoVcV