Album art
11 years ago
Album art

Will be adding a few tweaks on the next post-update.

I’ll be making a better version of this. Just wait.

[UPDATE 7.2]
Finally found and fixed volume differences in “Hare Hare Yukai”(Jeez, it was there for a long time…). Added Sheet 99 for a little pause for every loop, and Sheet 98 for “something”.

[Sub-Update 2]
200 views in 4 days, wow…!

Fixed most errors in note length, tempo, transposition, notes, etc.
If there are still any errors, please inform me about it…

#1328 Most Viewed - Recorded 10/29 19:09 GMT+08

Song List/Sheet #:
00 - Agent Yoru wo Iku - [Idolm@ster]
01 - Hare Hare Yukai - [The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya]
02 - Kanbu de Tomatte Sugu Tokeru ~ Kyouki no Udongein - [Touhou; IOSYS]
03 - Help Me, Erinnnnnn!! - [Touhou; Beat Mario]
04 - Nowhere - [Madlax]
05 - Critias no Kia - [Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters]
06 - Gong - [Super Robot Wars Alpha 3]
07 - Beware of the Forest’s Mushrooms - [Super Mario RPG]
08 - Butter-Fly - [Digimon Adventure]
09 - Makka na Chikai - [Busou Renkin]
10 - Airman ga Taosenai - [Sera; Team.Nekokan]
11 - Yuuki Vs. Iji - [Prince of Tennis]
12 - Uninstall - [Bokurano]
13 - Tori no Uta - [Air]
14 - You - [Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai - Meakashi-hen]
15 - Marisa Stole The Precious Thing - [Touhou; IOSYS]
16 - Dr. Wily Stage 1-2/Omide wa Okkusenman - [Mega Man 2; Family Concert]
17 - God Knows - [The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya]
18 - Motteke! Sailor Fuku - [Lucky Star]
19 - Gacha Gacha Hertz - [Figu@mate Carnival]
20 - Genesis no Aquarion - [Genesis no Aquarion]
21 - Futari no Mojipittan - [Kotoba no Puzzle Mojipittan; Idolm@ster]
22 - Tsurupettan - [Touhou; Silver Forest]
23 - Super Mario World Overworld Theme/Here We Go! - [Super Mario World]
24 - True My Heart - [Nursery Rhyme]
25 - Kiss My Lips - [Sakura Saori]
26 - Rodeo Machine - [Halfby]
27 - Dragon Quest Overture - [Dragon Quest]
28 - Final Fantasy Theme - [Final Fantasy]
29 - Gacha Gacha Cute - [Figu@mate]
30 - You are the Prince of Tennis - [Prince of Tennis]
31 - Let’s Go! Onmyouji - [Shin Goketsuji Ichizoku: Bonno Kaiho]
32 - Sakura - [Folk song]