Album art
11 years ago
Album art

I decided to copy TRB and do a sort of “Best of Notessimo” song that I didn’t call “Best of Notessimo” because I included myself in there.

Sheet 0: To Eloquently Splatter Upon The Face Of Modulation by DarkChameleon/Hypo
The opening to this song is so awesome that I swear I’m gonna learn it on actual guitar one day.

Sheet 1: Carrot Medley by Carrot/THEFinalBoss
It’s no secret that carrot’s awesome and I love his music. So, I couldn’t just pick ONE of his songs to include here! Enjoy a mash-up of three of his most famous: Acceleration of the Unhurried, Emotion, and All Night.

Sheet 3: The Extreme by Jollabollathan
Who DOESN’T love this song? It’s EXTREMEly good, EXTREMEly interesting, and probably took EXTREMEly long to make.

Sheet 4: Why… by Tsukasa (or Moderator or DOG or whatever they go as now)
I remember one day when I just listened to this loop for like 4 times in a row and STILL didn’t get tired of it. I just love this song.

Sheet 5: On the Moon by Roastmasters
See my explanation for The Extreme and add some space related puns.

Sheet 6: One Day by leifeday (that name looks familiar for some reason…)
OKAY, I ADMIT IT! I added one of my own songs in here because I love the way I ended it. So what?

Just because I didn’t add you song doesn’t mean it isn’t awesome. Some notable examples include any of CtelinAjira’s songs, Rain by StarWars -XD-, and the Community Collab which all didn’t make the cut for one reason or another. I love you all! Bye.