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Album art

My favorite song in Puyo Puyo. For those of you who don’t know, Puyo Puyo is a falling blocks puzzle game where the point is to match 4 or more of the same coloured blocks in order to drop garbage blocks on your opponent’s side. You can rack up a ton of garbage blocks by doing combo chains and the game encourages you to do this. Needless to say, since I spent a reasonable amount of time in Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine playing exercise mode, that’s where I first heard this tune because Mean Bean Machine is a version of Puyo Puyo released in North America and Europe. There was another version on the Super Nintendo called Kirby’s Avalanche which was basically the same gameplay just on a different console.

Size: 181.10 KB
Key: C
Time: 4 / 4
ID: ytYqJ2DqSb