What are you playing in band/orchestra?

Post song names and or videos of songs you are playing in your band/orchestra at school.

The Inferno- I play the timpani part:

our school is starting a Ukulele club? How ironic!

That’s not ironic, that’s awesome XD

Oh, my bad. George was the one who played the ukulele…

Actually, I’m playing (and conducting) some songs I wrote in my orchestra and band…

This. Trumpet’s a lipkiller.

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Are you Brian?

Brian Balmages is a great composer >_>. If your in band I guarantee you will play one of his songs at one point in time.

For our Next Concert we are playing:
First Suite in E flat - Gustav Holst - This song has three movements and it is very beautiful! - Gustav Holst - First Suite in E-flat - YouTube <-hahaha lolz is in the url!!!

Famishus Fantasticus - Michael Markowski - This song is an [adultlike] cartoon song. it has weird syncopation and cool percussion parts. for example, I play the air horn at sfffz.(3:46) In another percussion part, the drummer has to drop stuff like ping pong balls. (2:06) weird. SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds

there are two other songs. I will update this later. I am trying to remember the names.!

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I am also playing “Flowing Pens from Concord” - Robert Cichy


HOMETOWN BOY MARCH (there’s an error with the video though…)



And this