What is your favourite thing about Notessimo?

I just like messing around with it, hence my “spammy” songs :stuck_out_tongue:

What about you?

The fact that it’s free.


We are all a family, even though we live thousands of miles away from some people.

if you’re gonna be like me at least try to act like me lmao

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dude I told you I’m gonna change soon :stuck_out_tongue:


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I don’t get it

I used to love just hanging out on the forums, of course that was more than five years ago. Don’t really recognize anyone now.

I think I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere. (if you want some quality cringe, check out my old posts from 2009. Fun)

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hey it’s you

I don’t think you know me

I’m one of those new users still obsessed with the newly founded Notessitale.

amirite guys? no? pls don’t sue me

Dang you are quite an old member. You probably don’t recognize me, I wasn’t important back then (xXLink41Xx). But you should be able to recognize at least a few of the mods.

welcome back bud.